
Monday, March 7, 2022

Virtual Meeting - March 2022

 It looks like the weather is finally going to warm up. Perhaps by next month, the snow will be gone. (I'm probably going to regret saying that.)

I had a note Barbara Snasdell-Taylor.  She has the Bernina B77 sewing machine, just a year old, that isn't suiting her needs. If you are interested in this machine please contact Barbara directly. (I can provide her contact information. )

I see that many have gotten back into sewing again, and we have lots of pictures, today.

Anita says that her quilting machine isn't available at the moment, so she is making tops from her stash.  The patterns for both of these are from Missouri Star.

Diane Hart made a Zola Pen Case. She used the same fabric for the outside and the lining and matched all the lines.

Helen Anderson is in Florida and made this quilt for a US military veteran.

She also made this one for a friend.

Jan Pound made this quilt from the book Modern Views by Donna Robertson.

This quilt from Jan is called Mod Cabin and is from a 2014 Fons and Porter Love of Quilting magazine.

The backing picks up the colours on the front. Both quilts were quilted by Krista.

Joy made a baby quilt from fabric she received from Marilyn Lauer. Joy says hand work goes much faster when you are watching the Brier.

I made a makeup bag from a free pattern called the Effortless Twin Pouch. 

I lined it with PUL fabric and added bar tacks inside since the PUL fabric won't hold a crease.

I tried the makeup bag after making the Gemini Pouch, as a pencil case for markers and Gel pens.

The Twin Pouch is much easier!

Kathy O'Hagen sends a picture of her Fractured Star quilt. The pattern is by Jenny Beyer and it was quilted by Krista.

Laurie Craig made a cat quilt for her granddaughter, who starts university in the fall.

She also made Bonnie Hunter's tulip time. Both quilts were quilted by Beth Van Wyngaarden.

MaryAnn made  puffy fleece pillows that spell out her youngest grandchildren's names. The colours are coincidental but timely.

Pat made this quilt, just because it was cute. Her granddaughter, who is a vet tech promptly claimed it.

I hope you enjoyed this month's show and tell.  Just a reminder that you can see any picture in a larger format by clicking on the picture. Our next show and tell will be April 4.



Joy said...

Great show. Kathy, admiring your “Fractured star”! I find Jenny Beyer patterns gorgeous but they nearly drive me bananas as I make so many mistakes - the fabrics look okay so many ways, but of course if you are wrong, you mess up the pattern. You did a fabulous job.

Anne said...

Wonderful show, thank you all for sending your photos and thank you Kate, for organizing the show!