
Monday, September 28, 2020

Virtual Meeting - September 28

 I hope you all enjoyed our lovely warm weekend. It was nice to be able to sit outside without a sweater. I heard a doctor on CBC the other day suggest that it is good for our mental health to continue small outdoor distanced gatherings, even if we need to put our winter coats and gloves on. That does make handwork a bit difficult.

Frances Irwin asks if anyone can tell her the name of the pattern for the quilt below and where she might find it. Her 88 year old mother would like to make it. Frances's email is

Show and Tell time!

First up is Barb Karim.

Barb says this is her latest UFO finish.

Barb Sharp-Bond finished two quilts for Victoria's Quilts.

Carol McFee received that fabric and pattern for Reminiscences in 2003 from Alanna Smith and Barb Karim, for a special birthday. (That was 30, right Carol?) Carol finished hand quilting it, last week.

Carol bought the pattern and fabric for Houston Bargello at the Houston quilt show in 2015. She completed it this summer.

Next is Kate. I took part in a sew along for a small case, last week. I have 4 UFOs that I started over the summer, but I had to start a new project. At least this one is finished!

Nicole made a new quilt for her guest room, in hopes her son will be able to visit soon.

Don't you love her sashiko accents?

That's all for this week. Next week, we are going to have a special Show and Tell of favourite finishes or proudest finishes. Please send them to me by next Sunday. I have some already and you are going to enjoy it. I will send a reminder on Friday.



Joymelsness said...

Carol, that quilt is unbelievably beautiful. I’m in awe!!!

Maggie said...

Show and Tell is amazing. It inspires me every time I see all the wonderful projects everyone has made.